Smaart API SDK Terms and Conditions

We place no restrictions on the use of the information contained in the Smaart API SDK in derivative works nor ask any royalties for derivative products. If you develop an application that uses our API to do something useful, you are free to distribute your own work any way you like, including as a commercial product.

The Smaart API SDK is the copyrighted property of Rational Acoustics, LLC and we grant no rights to any other party to redistribute it in any form. If you know of someone else who would like a copy of their own, please refer them directly to Rational Acoustics.

The SDK does not modify the Smaart End User License Agreement in any way and grants no additional rights or permissions regarding the use of our software products or other intellectual property not granted in the original product license(s).

We make no warranties regarding the accuracy the information in the SDK or its appropriateness or legality for any specific application and we accept no liabilities arising from your own use or misuse of this information.